Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little Play of Horrors!

This Saturday I went to sleep with a good feeling of accomplishment and the words "Hello bed. I've missed you!". And indeed, if my beloved mattress has felt that I have been spending even less time with her in the last two weeks than I normally do, she has been right to do so! The reason for all this was a Little Shop of Horrors.

The last weeks I have been involved in staging the musical Little Shop of Horrors. This production by a group of students along with two teachers involved considerable amounts of sing-talking, extensive music practice and a 2 meter tall, talking, man-and-woman eating plant. Sounds like a mouthful? It was! In fact, everyone who was not involved in the play was just fed up with complaints towards the end. Because every actor, singer, dancer, musician, technician and director has allocated all free time (plus a little more) towards putting this play together. Of cause this meant that any little break was best spent talking about how stressed, frustrated and sleep deprived we all were. Welcome to showbiz!

But it was all worth it! When the final result came together it was nothing short of beautiful. Beyond all the complaining, I had really enjoyed the process, and the final result was just another reminder of how amazingly talented all my peers at this college are. The actors were amazing, and I had a great chance to appreciate them from my place in the music section - with a guitar on my lap and a clear view of the stage. Also everyone in the music was great. It is always fun to work with the musicians here at this place, since they are all so talented and enthusiastic. Things like showing up to rehearsals and having done your practice just work here. And that makes the whole creative process so much more enjoyable and fruitful.

On Red Cross Nordic there is always a chance to enjoy some cultural event. It is one of the great things about this place. People are always willing to take initiative and work together with each their talents. Therefor we get a chance to have cultural experiences from all over the world and in every style thinkable, just 100 meters from our bedroom doors. I am happy to contribute to this and enjoy taking part, mainly by playing the guitar or piano whenever I can. It is also just a great break from the daily homework routine.

Oh and talking about homework... I guess I have been neglecting that for the last two weeks as well. Better get back to the books! Sorry bed...

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